What is Joint Strategic Needs Assessment?

What is Joint Strategic Needs Assessment?

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is “a systematic method for reviewing the health and wellbeing needs of a population, leading to agreed commissioning priorities that will improve the health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce inequalities”. JSNA is a continuous process that focuses on understanding the assets and needs of people who live in a specific place, so that services across the local system can best serve the population. JSNA is a statutory duty of all local authorities, however all local authorities approach JSNA slightly differently.

Bexley’s approach to JSNA

Following recent best practice guidance from Public Health England, Bexley is changing it’s approach to JSNA. Placing emphasis on JSNA as a continuous and responsive process, Bexley aims to regularly produce timely focused reports, and take advantage of reproducible approaches to keep evidence up to date and make both data and interpretation publicly available on this website.